Résumé and Cover Letter Development
You will receive an in-depth consultation with one of the industry’s best writers, trained to ensure your résumé and cover letter are ready to perform. Northwest Résumés is committed to a collaborative process. Once we have emailed your documents to you, we will be available to discuss any desired changes and answer any questions.
We’ve been around for 13 years because we get results. Take the opportunity to speak today with a Nationally Certified Résumé Writer!
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Interview Coaching
Haven’t interviewed in a while? Just want to brush up on your skills and gain a little more confidence?
You will benefit from a 90-minute session(s) with a Certified Interviewing Coach, trained to help you improve your skills and learn specific strategies for answering the toughest interview questions—and just as (if not more) importantly—tips on asking your own questions!
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LinkedIn Service
LinkedIn has been an important piece of the job-search puzzle since its inception. Acquired by Microsoft in 2017, the platform has exploded to exceed 600 million global users. When leveraged properly, it becomes a powerful networking advantage that connects you with the right people and the best opportunities—to catapult your career to the next level.
Ask us today for a quote to refresh your LinkedIn profile content as a standalone service, or as part of a package with resume development and other services!
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Executive Coaching
Are you in the process of a career transition, and don’t really know where to begin? Or would you like to re-engineer your professional brand messaging and learn how to address every job-search touchpoint with a more cogent, impactful statement?
A consultation with a Northwest Resumes Executive Coach might be your next best move.
Let us customize a program that addresses your current needs holistically, with a minimum of six one-to-two hour visits (in-person or virtual). You will learn about everything from how to network, how to use LinkedIn, how to interview, and how to centralize your messaging across every piece of job-search collateral you utilize—to help you present as more professional, more deliberate, and more qualified.
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